Difference: TWikiVariables (71 vs. 72)

Revision 7216 Jan 2004 - PeterThoeny

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%ICON{"type"}% Small 16x16 pixel icon of common attachment types, like bmp bmp, doc doc, gif gif, hlp hlp, html html, wav mp3, pdf pdf, ppt ppt, txt txt, xls xls, xml xml, zip zip, etc. Specify file type only, file name, or full path name. Example: %ICON{"pdf"}% returns pdf
%URLPARAM{"name"}% Returns the value of a URL parameter. Note that there is a risk that this variable could be misused for cross-scripting. Parameters are name, default and newline:
%PARAM{"name"}% Returns the value of a URL parameter. Note that there is a risk that this variable could be misused for cross-scripting. Supported parameters:
Parameter: Description: Default:
"name" The name of a URL parameter required
default="..." Default value in case parameter is empty or missing empty string
newline="<br />" Convert newlines to other delimiters no conversion
Example: %URLPARAM{"skin"}% returns print for a .../view/TWiki/TWikiVariables?skin=print URL. Is
encode="entity" Encode special characters into HTML entities, like a double quote into &#034;. This is needed if text is put into an HTML form field no encoding
encode="url" Encode special characters for URL parameter use, like a double quote into %22 no encoding
Example: %PARAM{"skin"}% returns print for a .../view/TWiki/TWikiVariables?skin=print URL. Is %PARAM{"skin"}%
%URLENCODE{"string"}% Encodes a string for use as a URL parameter. Ex: %URLENCODE{"spaced name"}% returns spaced%20name
%ENCODE{"string"}% Encodes a string. Supported parameters:
Parameter: Description: Default:
"string" String to encode required (can be empty)
type="entity" Encode special characters into HTML entities, like a double quote into &#034; URL encoding
type="url" Encode special characters for URL parameter use, like a double quote into %22 (this is the default)
Example: %ENCODE{"spaced name"}% returns spaced%20name
%WIKITOOLNAME% The name of your TWiki site - TWiki
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Table of Contents of current topic.
%TOC{"SomeTopic" ...}%
Table of Contents. Shows a TOC that is generated automatically based on headings of a topic. Headings in WikiSyntax ("---++ text") and HTML ("<h2>text</h2>") are taken into account. Any heading text after "!!" is excluded from the TOC; for example, write "---+!! text" if you do not want to list a header in the TOC. Parameters are topic name, web and depth:
Table of Contents. Shows a TOC that is generated automatically based on headings of a topic. Headings in WikiSyntax ("---++ text") and HTML ("<h2>text</h2>") are taken into account. Any heading text after "!!" is excluded from the TOC; for example, write "---+!! text" if you do not want to list a header in the TOC. Supported parameters:
Parameter: Description: Default:
<-- -->
Sorted descending
web="Name" Name of web Current web
"TopicName" topic name Current topic
depth="2" Limit depth of headings shown in TOC 6
Examples: %TOC{depth="2"}%, %TOC{"TWikiDocumentation" web="TWiki"}%
title="Some text" Title to appear at top of TOC none
Examples: %TOC{depth="2"}%, %TOC{"TWikiDocumentation" web="TWiki" title="Contents:"}%
%SEARCH{"text" ...}% Inline search, shows a search result embedded in a topic. Parameters are the search term, web, scope, order and many more: [1]
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    • Set MYLOGO = %PUBURL%/TWiki/LogoTopic/mylogo.gif
-- PeterThoeny - 19 Jan 2003
-- MikeMannix? - 12 May 2002
-- TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny - 14 Jan 2004
-- TWiki:Main.MikeMannix - 12 May 2002
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Note: Please contribute updates to this topic on TWiki.org at TWiki:TWiki.TWikiVariables