Informativo da Escola de Medicina Veterinária/UFBA - Informev OnLine


Statistics for Informev Web

Month: Topic
Sorted descending
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topic views:
Top contributors for
topic save and uploads:
Oct 2007 1129 8 0 180 WebHome
112 WebStatistics
108 EdicaoUm
106 EdicaoAtual
 70 WebSearch
 69 WebChanges
 64 WebTopicCreator
 53 WebPreferences
 49 WebNotify
 44 InformevCSS
 34 WebSearchAdvanced
  8 CarlaBahia
Dec 2007 468 2 0 141 WebHome
 43 EdicaoAtual
 25 WebTopicCreator
 24 WebSearch
 24 EdicaoUm
 20 WebChanges
 20 LayoutInformevTemplate
 19 WebNotify
 19 InforMev
 18 WebLeftBar
 17 ProjetoGrafico
  1 CarlaBahia
  1 AgnaldoCostaSantos
Sep 2007 4989 161 2 1747 WebStatistics
586 WebHome
283 InformevCSS
239 LayoutInformevTemplate
211 WebPreferences
207 EdicaoUm
207 EdicaoAtual
193 WebSearch
161 WebChanges
157 InforMev
140 WebTopicCreator
105 CarlaBahia
 50 AgnaldoCostaSantos
  4 CarlaFreitas
  4 CaioTiago
Aug 2007 5424 141 5 1400 WebStatistics
710 WebHome
377 InformevCSS
301 InforMev
299 LayoutInformevTemplate
293 WebPreferences
250 WebChanges
212 WebSearch
194 EdicoesAnteriores
193 WebTopicCreator
174 WebNotify
132 CarlaBahia
 14 AgnaldoCostaSantos
Oct 2010 57 0 0  20 WebHome
  7 WebNotify
  6 WebChanges
  4 WebSearch
  3 WebTopicCreator
  3 EdicaoAtual
  2 WebIndex
  2 WebStatistics
  2 EdicoesAnteriores
  1 WebTopicList
  1 EstruturaTextos
Sep 2010 669 0 0 270 WebHome
 63 WebChanges
 57 EdicaoAtual
 35 WebLeftBar
 29 EdicoesAnteriores
 24 WebSearch
 20 WebNotify
 19 WebPreferences
 18 EdicaoUm
 16 WebIndex
 16 InformevCSS
Aug 2010 1332 0 0 395 WebHome
155 WebChanges
 98 WebPreferences
 79 EdicaoAtual
 54 WebNotify
 53 WebStatistics
 51 EdicaoUm
 50 InforMev
 50 LayoutInformevTemplate
 48 WebLeftBar
 45 InformevCSS
Jul 2010 978 0 0 280 WebHome
121 WebChanges
 57 WebStatistics
 55 WebPreferences
 52 EdicaoAtual
 42 WebSearch
 39 WebIndex
 38 WebNotify
 38 LayoutInformevTemplate
 37 EdicoesAnteriores
 33 WebTopicList
Jun 2010 671 0 0 228 WebHome
105 WebChanges
 48 EdicaoAtual
 35 WebNotify
 33 WebSearch
 28 LayoutInformevTemplate
 26 WebIndex
 23 WebPreferences
 21 InforMev
 16 WebTopicList
 16 WebStatistics
May 2010 888 0 0 310 WebHome
126 WebChanges
 52 EdicaoAtual
 43 WebStatistics
 42 WebNotify
 40 WebSearch
 35 WebTopicList
 28 ProjetoGrafico
 28 WebPreferences
 28 InforMev
 27 WebIndex
Apr 2010 660 0 0 214 WebHome
 96 WebChanges
 74 InforMev
 37 WebSearch
 30 WebNotify
 29 WebPreferences
 29 EdicaoAtual
 28 WebTopicList
 21 WebIndex
 20 ProjetoGrafico
 17 WebStatistics
Mar 2010 634 0 0 214 WebHome
 70 WebChanges
 37 WebLeftBar
 37 InforMev
 30 EdicaoAtual
 26 WebPreferences
 24 LayoutInformevTemplate
 23 WebNotify
 20 WebSearch
 18 WebTopicCreator
 17 WebTopicList
Feb 2010 603 0 0 148 WebHome
 66 WebChanges
 46 EdicaoAtual
 37 WebLeftBar
 36 ProjetoGrafico
 35 EdicoesAnteriores
 31 WebPreferences
 27 WebTopicCreator
 25 WebSearch
 24 WebNotify
 19 InforMev
Jan 2010 1072 0 0 243 WebHome
 91 WebChanges
 83 WebStatistics
 78 WebTopicCreator
 57 WebNotify
 56 EdicaoAtual
 53 EdicaoUm
 52 WebSearch
 48 LayoutInformevTemplate
 41 WebPreferences
 40 WebIndex
Dec 2009 958 0 0 206 WebHome
 74 WebChanges
 59 WebSearch
 56 WebIndex
 51 WebTopicCreator
 51 WebPreferences
 51 WebStatistics
 49 WebTopicList
 39 EstruturaTextos
 38 WebNotify
 38 LayoutInformevTemplate
Nov 2009 795 0 0 174 WebHome
 74 WebTopicCreator
 59 WebChanges
 56 WebSearch
 38 LayoutInformevTemplate
 36 WebTopicList
 36 EdicaoAtual
 35 WebPreferences
 32 EdicaoUm
 31 EdicoesAnteriores
 29 WebStatistics
Oct 2009 1055 0 0 244 WebHome
109 WebSearch
 68 WebChanges
 64 WebTopicCreator
 47 WebNotify
 45 WebSearchAdvanced
 44 WebTopicList
 43 WebPreferences
 41 WebIndex
 39 EdicaoAtual
 37 WebStatistics
Apr 2008 311 0 0  98 WebHome
 31 EdicaoAtual
 25 WebSearch
 21 EdicaoUm
 15 WebTopicCreator
 15 WebChanges
 12 WebNotify
 10 InforMev
  9 ProjetoGrafico
  8 InformevCSS
  8 WebLeftBar
Mar 2008 523 0 0 128 WebHome
 41 WebTopicCreator
 41 EdicaoAtual
 35 WebSearch
 34 EdicaoUm
 24 WebChanges
 23 WebNotify
 23 InforMev
 20 WebLeftBar
 18 WebIndex
 18 WebStatistics
Feb 2008 910 0 0 133 WebHome
 95 EdicaoUm
 88 EdicaoAtual
 84 WebSearch
 55 InforMev
 52 WebTopicCreator
 41 WebLeftBar
 36 WebNotify
 35 WebPreferences
 35 WebChanges
 30 WebStatistics
Nov 2007 587 0 0 179 WebHome
 43 EdicaoUm
 40 WebChanges
 38 EdicaoAtual
 37 WebNotify
 31 WebSearch
 25 WebTopicCreator
 25 WebIndex
 22 WebStatistics
 20 WebPreferences
 20 WebLeftBar
Jun 2007 0 0 0    
May 2007 0 0 0    
Apr 2007 0 0 0    


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