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Fleas are little parasites that feed directly on the blood of mans also other warm-blooded animals. They have a four stage life like butterflies, including eggs, larvae, pupae and adult. To get rid of fleas, you have to deal with all four stages of their stays. Any exterminator or compounds that destroy fleas in all the periods of life work faster, nevertheless may well not be safe and sound for your pets and your family. Here are natural ways to discourage fleas out of taking up residence in your home, and here are natural ways to get rid of them once they are here.

Difficulty: Moderately Challenging


Diatomaceous earth Pennyroyal Lavender Mint Vacuum Carpet steam cleaner Cedar chips Lemons Child shampoo Flea comb Herbal flea collar Flea traps

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1 Start your efforts to remove fleas in the spring before they infest your home in applying diatomaceous earth in your yard. Made of crushed up seashells, diatomaceous earth cuts plus kills fleas, but won't damage you or your pets. Some people use diatomaceous world in their homes to kill fleas. Place pennyroyal, lavender and mint in your garden and around your house to repel fleas.

3 Vacuum, dust, sweep also mop commonly, particularly in areas where your pets have been. Unfilled your vacuum immediately and place the contents outside in a sealed plastic bag. Shampoo your carpet to get rid of flea larvae that is remain after vacuuming.

4 Wash bedding, rugs, pet beds and clothes in warm, soapy water several times. Location sachets filled together with lavender and mint inside drawers plus pet beds to repel fleas. Set cedar chips beneath beds and furniture.

5 Wash your pets with a mild pet shampoo or baby shampoo that won't irritate flea bites on their epidermis. Whilst they're dry, comb your pets with any fine-toothed flea comb. Place an herbal flea collar on your pet like as Petguard.

6 Steep 6 lemons cut inside half in some quart of drinking water for three hours. Strain the liquid into some spray bottle plus spray your pet's body with the lemon spray.

7 Place flea traps around the house. They're like the sticky fly paper or roach pads protected by a grid that is fleas fall through.

Tips & Warnings

Comb your pet throughout white report towel so you can understand the fleas when they fall off. Shake the fleas from the report towel into a cup of water or alcohol. When you're finished combing your pet, flush the cup of liquid with the fleas in it lower the toilet. Taking rid of fleas takes any lot of endurance. Be all set to some long battle.

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Topic revision: r1 - 04 Dec 2011 - 04:22:22 - CleoWise4
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