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Head off out to parties about twentysomethings these days, and you'll find that the beer bong has been replaced by beer pong. What yous beer pong? 2 squads about two folks stand at opposite ends of a table also try to shoot ping pong balls in all six beer-filled cups on the other end. Like some squad scores, the other group must drink from the cup. If you want to host your own beer pong tournament, building your own table can be simple.

Difficulty: Moderate


Plywood (2x8 feet) 4 28'' Table knees Four L-brackets Screws Power drill Sand documents Gallon woodstain Paint 3 mays of spray laqcuer

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Generate Your Beer Pong Table

1 Place the plywood on the floor. The part you desire to be the top about the table should be facing the ground.

3 Place one L-bracket extremely that one side of the L is towards the table leg and particular remains against the plywood.

4 Drill screws into the L-bracket to safe the leg to the plywood. Buy bongs Cheap Bongs.

5 Attach the remaining table legs to every corner regarding the plywood using the identical procedure.

6 Turn the table upright. Make use of the sandpaper to rub aside any roughness on the table.

7 Coat the table with wood stain of all color.

8 Paint the table however you wish. Many folks pick their college colors. Make creative and have your table reflect your personality.

9 Spray the total table with lacquer. Permit the table to dry between layers. Because the table will likely be splashed with alcohol, coat it with about five layers of lacquer.


Build a Beer Pong Table

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